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Role of brick in today’s construction industry

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In the world of construction, there is still unimagined space for bricks. As we are continually progressing in advanced technology, our infrastructure is evolving along with the material but what has changed is that we have been able to develop a more advanced form of bricks today than ever before.

Basic background

Typically, the bricks were made of clay, and it has long history of 5000 BC. These pieces of ancient technology have been adopted by Roman, Egyptian, and Indian civilizations, which is passed to us as an inheritance. And as a matter of fact, their bricks are still intact and hold the ancient architecture up till now.

A reality check

As technology develops at a high pace, it’s perhaps counterintuitive to think that modern technology has left some space for bricks-making companies to survive. However, the reality is a little different as a small-scale hydraulic brick making machine supplier in China is earning well than we think. The present state of construction is extremely complicated as there is a wide range of building products and systems are available for consumers to choose from.

Present construction processes are well organized that includes the manufacturers of building products and systems, and the craftsmen who gather them on the building sites, the contractors who use and coordinate the work of the laborers, and consultants who specialize in construction management, quality control, and insurance domain are strengthening the industry. Today’s worldwide brick making industry produces approximately 1.5 trillion bricks annually, which is indicating the immense need for bricks still in today’s era in the presence of high- tech infrastructures. Over the decades, the brick industry has constantly evolved and moved towards more environmentally friendly procedures of producing brick, including natural gas as the substitute for fossil fuels.